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Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea treatment at Rodgers Dermatology in Frisco, TX.

Understanding Rosacea and How To Treat It

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness and often small, red, pus-filled bumps on the face and small visible blood vessels. Many factors can cause flare-ups, but some may be preventable and manageable. By taking a few special precautions against potential environmental and lifestyle triggers, you can avoid aggravating the condition.

At Rodgers Dermatology, our experts are knowledgeable about treatment options, medication options, and lifestyle changes that may help.We’ll also discuss and examine any environmental factors that may be triggering your condition.

Dr. Timothy Rodgers and our staff can arrive at a diagnosis and then develop a treatment plan that works for you.

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How do we treat rosacea?

Photorejuvenation with laser treatments and IPL are often very successful ways for controlling rosacea and preventing flares. These methods reduce redness and blood vessels in the skin, which results in a more even color tone that’s less likely to flush.

A combination of multiple therapies often leads to the best treatment results and control of rosacea. There are also other ways you can help manage and prevent flare-ups.

Tips for Treating Rosacea

Apart from the treatment options we offer at Rodgers Dermatology, there are a lot of things we can do to help manage symptoms.

Intense sun and hot weather are often the biggest culprits of flare-ups. In order to minimize the risk of flare-ups, those with rosacea should apply sunscreen daily. Whenever you’re outside, make sure you’ve got sunscreen on any exposed skin.

Additionally, for the best results, you should use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and zinc oxide of at least 5%. This will protect your skin and reduce the potential for flares.

Anything that raises your body’s temperature, including hot weather, high humidity, or exercise, can trigger rosacea flare-ups.

When working out, try lowering your intensity. Exercise during the cooler parts of the day or inside. Additionally, water aerobics or swimming might be a better way to exercise and stay cool at the same time.

When the weather outside is too hot, staying inside with air conditioning might be your best bet at avoiding a flare-up. Perform your outdoor chores and activities in the early morning or evening hours when it is cooler. During summer months, consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat and staying in the shade as much as possible.

Certain types of foods have been reported by some sufferers to trigger or aggravate their rosacea. Some of the most common foods to avoid include:

  • Spicy foods
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Tomatoes
  • Citrus fruits
  • Hot tea or coffee
  • And marinated meats

For some people, stress can be a big trigger for rosacea flare-ups. Take some time to identify whether this is a root cause of your flare-ups, and consider ways to solve it. What brings you a sense of calm? Is there a hobby or activity that brings you some relief in stressful or overwhelming situations?

Develop some strategies that’ll work for you, and put them into practice.

Whether it’s lotion, makeup, or another type of skincare or hair product, paying attention to what you’re putting on your skin is essential for people with rosacea. In particular, you can look for ingredients that are known to cause flare-ups. These can include:

  • Menthol
  • Camphor
  • or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.

The experts at Rodgers Dermatology can recommend products that keep your skin healthy without irritating your rosacea.

You should always take medications prescribed to help with your rosacea. Consistency is key.

In addition to whatever traditional prescription medications you’re taking, there are now many cosmeceutical agents available that can improve rosacea and prevent flares. These agents help to reduce inflammation and improve the skin’s barrier. Ideally, this means you could have softer, smoother skin with less facial redness, burning, and discomfort. Ask at your consultation or next appointment about additional options and strategies for your unique skin.

Schedule an Appointment w/ Dr. Rodgers for Rosacea Treatment in Frisco, TX

If you are ready to learn more about the dermatology options that may treat your rosacea, schedule a consultation with us here at Rogers Dermatology. Call 972-704-2400 or book your appointment online. You’re taking the first step on your journey to beautiful, healthy skin.

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