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The white brick arch and inset, red brick facade of Rodgers Dermatology in Frisco, TX

Skin Care from A to Z – Rodgers Dermatology in Frisco, TX

Caring for the body’s largest organ can feel like an equally large task. From irritating issues (like dry skin and rashes) to serious concerns (like skin cancer and acne), finding the reliable relief you need can be tricky. Naturally, you have cosmetic concerns, too—the sun damage that stacks up over the years or deepening wrinkles and volume loss. All things considered, skin care can feel like a marathon much more than a sprint.

Finding the right dermatologist to treat even one of these issues can require a period of trial and error. But with so many skin concerns to address over the course of our lifetimes, we need comprehensive care from one versatile provider. 

For nearly two decades, patients in Frisco, TX have trusted Rodgers Dermatology for each and every suspicious mole, unwanted smile line, or deeply unpleasant rash. Here’s why.

Discover Skin Care from A to Z at Rodgers Dermatology in Frisco, TX

To fully care for the body’s largest organ, you need a dedicated team of like-minded skin care professionals, each adding their own specialties and experience to the mix. At Rodgers Dermatology, our physician assistants, aestheticians, and Dr. Rodgers himself care deeply about identifying and correcting whatever’s worrying you. 

To provide that world-class care, we’ve divided our services along three primary avenues: Medical Dermatology, Surgical Dermatology, and Cosmetic Dermatology.

Medical Dermatology

Some of us are diehard skin care enthusiasts. Others only think about their skin when something goes wrong. Regardless of which category you belong to, skin care is undoubtedly self-care. A picture of overall health is incomplete without a visit to your dermatologist. 

Treating Chronic Skin Conditions

At Rodgers Dermatology, we treat some of the most stubborn and uncomfortable chronic skin conditions. For both pediatric and adult patients, we prescribe topical treatments for acne outbreaks and acne scars

We also offer leading-edge solutions for rosacea and psoriasis, while treating rashes and eczema (atopic dermatitis) with a mixture of evidence-based, at-home care tips, topical treatments, and even RX medication. 

Treating Hair Loss

We also go deeper than your skin to uncover the cause of your hair loss. From alopecia areata (patchy hair loss) to female and male pattern baldness, we take a multimodal approach to hair restoration treatments, restoring both your confidence and your locks. 

Identifying & Treating Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the world, affecting 1 in 5 Americans. Dr. Rodgers and his team have decades of collective experience in diagnosing and treating  patients with  melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. From preliminary checks to the “all clear,” we’ll stay with you every step of the way. 

Surgical Dermatology

Biopsies and surgical excisions are only two tools in our large, surgical dermatology toolbox. From testing and diagnosis to the removal of benign growths, our surgical services are expansive and exact enough for all your needs.

Mohs Surgery

For patients with certain types of skin cancer, Mohs Surgery represents the best and most effective treatment option. As a specialized type of skin cancer surgery, Mohs Surgery involves removing the skin cancer with very narrow margins. The tissue is then taken to the lab for processing, staining, and evaluation under a microscope. Using this technique, Dr. Rodgers is able to spare normal, healthy skin while removing the skin cancer with a 99% cure rate.  

Moles & Skin Exams

Thankfully, in a majority of cases , moles (also called “nevi”) are completely benign. But even harmless blemishes can cause irritation, discomfort, and frequent quality-of-life issues. 

When they occur under our arms or between our thighs, moles can chafe, snag, or bleed, making movement difficult. When they occur in more visible areas, moles can compromise our sense of self and our confidence. At Rodgers Dermatology, we can usually quickly and safely remove moles with minimal discomfort.

Cysts, Lipomas & Benign Lesions

Skin lesions come in all shapes and sizes—few of them wanted or convenient. A trained dermatologist can remove these benign lesions with a rapid, in-office excision for increased comfort and enhanced confidence. 

Cosmetic Dermatology

The largest organ on the body is also its most visible. Regardless of your motivations when seeking cosmetic dermatology treatments, it’s easy to admit that life is more full and fun when we’re not worried about the way we look.


Injectables rank among the most popular cosmetic treatments worldwide. Corrective and preventative Botox® treatments can delay the development or worsening of fine lines and wrinkles, while dermal fillers (like Juvederm) restore volume to sunken cheeks and laugh lines. Kybella® can even melt away double chins! There’s little the right injectable can’t do.

Laser Treatments

Medical and technological advancements combine to form the field of laser cosmetics. Save yourself time and money each morning with laser hair removal or permanently destroy unwanted spider veins. At Rodgers Dermatology, our lasers can tighten skin, sculpt your body’s contours, or rejuvenate sun damage wherever it’s found. 

Skin Rejuvenation

Photoaging is the most common cause of premature wrinkles, discolorations, and uneven skin texture. But what one form of light causes, intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) can repair. IPL stimulates collagen growth and permanently deletes discolored blemishes. 

When it comes to skin rejuvenation, collagen is certainly the name of the game. These days, microneedling ranks as one of the most popular collagen induction therapies in the world. With just a quick, comfortable appointment, you can tighten skin and encourage healing in no time.

Get the Comprehensive Skin Care You Need in Frisco, TX

At Rodgers Dermatology, we’ve diversified our services to care for your skin from toe to scalp. For children, young adults, adults, and seniors, we offer the most essential medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology treatments in Frisco, TX.

Schedule your appointment today or reach out with any questions you may have about any of our excellent services. Whatever life throws at your skin, we’re here to help you face it head on!

Schedule Your Appointment with Rodgers Dermatology Today!

For first-time patients and return patients on a first-name basis, Rodgers Dermatology is Skin Care Central in Frisco, TX and surrounding areas. We’re here to help with minor and major skin concerns, from the smallest wrinkles to the most frightening skin cancers. Schedule your appointment today and let us prepare for your visit. Give us a call at (972) 808-5196 or contact us online.

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